It's the mindset that's good.
The mindset: You Suck!
Guys come into this community wanting to be ladies men and want to perform as great pu - artists. They measure they success by the hot girls they get.
What's the byproduct of this:
- Approach Anxiety
- Social Anxiety
- Low Self Worth/Depression
There's too much tension and they create resistance to what they want. They become try hard, and will never become good.
But with the mindset: "You suck, and it's ok" pickup becomes easier.
This is the key to Self - Esteem: "That it's Ok to not be Ok".
It's pretty simple actually. You don't need Tolle, The Blueprint Decoded or 10 Pillars Of A Strong Reality. That stuff is just confusing and are sure to put you in a headspin. Just look at rsdn.
If guys really can internalize this mindset all this pick - up stuff becomes fairly effortless, they become less try hard and less needy. And girls respond to this, they have to.
It's the underlying mindset in sixty's book: "It's Ok to suck", that's the real diamond in the book, not all the tricks. (My own interpetation)
![]() Quote:
Thats some damn good shit!
Thanx bro!
While the other puas say you can have any girl you want you just have to push the right buttons with routines/plowing, sixty explains that that mindset is corrupted by desire of not wanting to fail and says it is a waste of time and to quickly find the girl you are most compatible with in the least amount of time possible.
You can do this by creating nonverbal tension, and escalate as fast as possible to determine compatibility as fast as possible. As a bonus, the act of escalation itself is not just a test, it is attractive in itself.
He also has nice theories on why people have sex vs long term relationships. For instance why would hot celebrities get married? They can have anyone they want right? It comes down to man wanting both female sexuality vs female affection (in which there is an illusion of purity) even if the man denies it.
I thought Gabler didn't like 60?
Anyway, adding to Gabler's abstract,
Most of the PUA crap, routines, methods, gurus, deal with avoiding rejection. 60 emphasizes to simply accept rejection, it's a numbers game, and approach girls until you meet girls that are interested in you.
When you meet the girls that are interested in you, than escalate fast to amp up attraction, create it's on moment by mutual caressing, don't break rapport by reacting to shit tests, and have sex with the girl as soon as possible. Having sex with the girl will lead to affection, girls liking you, snuggling and giving you validation.
The basic premise is that PUA does things bass ackwards, getting the girls to like you, get her affection, then lead to sex.
The correct sequence is approach girls, amp up the natural male/female interest in sex, escalate fast to have sex, which leads to girls affection and liking you for being a man.
The mutual caressing stuff sounds gay, but I think it is important. I realized I have been doing this all along with girls that lead to me fucking them. Like sixty says in his book, I can't think of any instance where I had mutual caressing and I did not fuck a girl. This is the best test to see if the girl wants to be entertained and wants attention or really wants you. Of course it sounds obvious but I never consciously controlled the mutual caressing before. It just 'happened.' Now I can control it and test for it faster.
I like how he seems to be the only guru who actually does cold club/bar/night game properly. He seems to be more intermediate than advanced and doesn't pretend like he's some kind of pick up God know-it-all who has all the answers. I like how he describes things, for example, how he says that "guys don't feel like talking until they're in a conversation". I also like how he simplifies things like dividing woman's reactions to you in green, orange and red lights. As I've said previously, he isn't introducing anything that's totally new, but he emphasizes the most important things like opening, numbers game, escalation the right attitude, etc. I really like the way he explains things, you read his stuff and it makes you want to go out and do it.
For Some reason, Sixty reminds me of MrSex4UNYC - both are intelligent, and have a "no bullshit", engaging writing style. MrSex4UNYC didn't have a "method" though and was much more hardcore than 60. I remember once this guy wrote a post saying that this girl he fucked lied and hold him that she was pregnant, MrSex4UNYC said "next time she says she's pregnant, ask her how much she needs for the abortion". Good shit.
Last of all, I'll say that most of the methods out there are detrimental to your game and can fuck you up in the head. 60 will help you. There's no harm in reading 60, as opposed to Mystery Method or RSD.
Here's 60's ASF archive of posts